Updated October 31, 2023
Proxima Privacy Policy
This PROXIMA (hereinafter referred to as “PROXIMA” or we) Privacy Policy provides information on how we collect and process personal data, and how we use that data. This Privacy Policy applies to all PROXIMA World Wide Web services and PROXIMA products (hereinafter “services and products”) specified in PROXIMA Terms of Use.
Please review this document carefully as PROXIMA wants to make sure you fully understand how your personal data is used.
Note also that as PROXIMA wants to ensure that this Privacy Policy properly reflects the way PROXIMA handles your data, we need to reserve the right to make changes to it in our sole discretion whenever it is necessary. Although PROXIMA will use reasonable efforts to notify you of all substantial changes to this Privacy Policy, you should also do your best to review this document on a regular basis.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact PROXIMA at info@Proxima.com.

1. The type of information we collect
PROXIMA collects both personal data and non-personal data. By personal data, we mean any information that directly identifies you. By non-personal data, we mean all other information collected that does not enable you to be identified.
Non-personal data. PROXIMA may automatically collect certain types of non-personal information from you when using our web sites. PROXIMA may collect non-personal data, which is not linked, to an identified user. This includes but is not limited to browser type, IP Address or the URL of the previous web site visits. We may also collect non-personal information that you voluntarily provide, such as information included in response to a questionnaire or survey.
The non-personal data generally does not contain any personal data. However, in some cases non-personal data can be stored together with your personal data in such a way that the non-personal data could be considered to be personal data as well. In such cases we process it in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.
Personal data. PROXIMA can collect the personal data you have chosen to make available directly on our web site or via a third-party service. Personal data can be collected when registering to PROXIMA websites or when you request information from PROXIMA. This personal data includes your name, address, email address, company name, phone number, or other identifying information that is sufficiently specific to identify you and relates to you as well as IP addresses, browsing behavior, name and contact details supplied, inquiries and our responses.

2. The purposes for which we use the information
We collect personal data for the purpose of i) enabling us to develop and improve our products and services by better understanding our target audience and for legitimate interests in promoting our products and services, ii) keeping you informed about our products and services, iii) contacting you in specific cases related to issues you might be experiencing with our products and services and for fulfillment of a contract with customers and legitimate interests in communicating with employees of customers, iv) direct marketing purposes.
Some of the features in our products and services might rely on the use of information we have collected from you in order to ensure that the feature in question is customized and targeted for your specific use.
The personal data you provide can also be used for direct marketing unless you let us know that you do not wish to receive such marketing, or marketing from our partners.
By giving us your personal contact data for contacting you, you opt-in in getting information from PROXIMA.
PROXIMA will maintain the confidentiality of all user information which is transmitted directly to PROXIMA. Information submitted to the PROXIMA websites will only be used for the purpose for which it is expressly collected. By entering user information and accepting to send it to PROXIMA in the registration forms sent to PROXIMA, the user accepts that all such information may be used for sales and marketing purposes only by PROXIMA and its affiliates and partners. PROXIMA may use and provide user information (including any ideas, concepts, know-how or other intellectual property) to any of its subsidiaries for any purpose whatsoever and as deemed appropriate by PROXIMA.
The information may be shared, at our discretion, with our affiliates and partners. Such information may also be used to inform you of our or our partners’ publications, products and services. You may, at any time, opt out from receiving future promotional messages by following the instructions provided below.

3. Storing of your personal data
We store and process your personal data (if any) on third-party servers (”Hosting Providers”) located in the European Economic Area, the UK and the United States that are protected by physical as well as technological security devices. By using our products and services, you give us consent to store, process, and transfer your personal information (if any) outside of your country of residence to the countries where our Hosting Providers are located. If you object to your personal information (if any) being transferred or used in this way, please do not use our products and services.

4. Your right to inspect the information
We do not verify the accuracy of the personal data you provide. You have the right to rectify, correct or inspect the personal data we have collected about you by contacting us and providing sufficient proof that enables us to verify your identity.

5. Disclosure of the information to third parties
Apart from Hosting Providers, we do not disclose your personal data to third parties unless you have provided us with your express opt-in consent for doing so;
the disclosure is reasonably necessary for us to be able to enforce our Terms of Service;
the disclosure is reasonably necessary for the purposes of detecting and preventing fraud or security breaches; or
applicable law requires us to disclose it.
We may share non-personal data (provided that it does not contain any personal data) to selected third parties.

6. Removing of information from the register
You can request the removal of any of your personal data by contacting us and providing sufficient proof that enables us to verify your identity. When sending you e-mail, we give a link to opt-out in order to stop receiving information from PROXIMA. The information will be then removed from PROXIMA registers.

7. Cookies
Cookies may occasionally be placed on your computer for the purposes of statistical analysis of the use of the PROXIMA Site. Cookies enable the collection of information relating to your computer (for example, your browser type). PROXIMA websites will ask your permission to place cookies to your browser. If you do not wish to have cookies placed on your computer or wish to be notified when they are placed, you may set your browser to reject cookies or notify you of their use. In such case, however, you may not be able to use all services available on the PROXIMA Site.

8. Data Security
We use industry standard security mechanisms to protect the collected personal data. All collected personal data is stored in protected databases located behind a firewall and with both physical and software-based access controls provided by our Hosting Provider.

9. General information
The name of the data controller is PROXIMA Ultra DOO. This policy is applied to all PROXIMA personal data registers.
Where processing of your data takes place on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us and providing sufficient proof that enables us to verify your identity.
You have as well the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority to check the lawfulness of processing your data.

PROXIMA complies with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).