Government: Raising Efficiency of Public Resource Management
Explore how a team tackled challenges in unclear approval procedures, causing financial setbacks. The team streamlined the process, saving costs and boosting procurement efficiency.
Key figures
  • 30%
    Reduction of Lead Time
  • €300 000
    Finacial Inpact
Project annotation
"Teamwork was key to our success — spotting and fixing process issues together. The analytical capabilities of Proxima helped us clear up the confusion, streamline workflows, and achieve big savings while preventing financial losses in our procurement processes."
Business Challenge:
Ambiguous procurement approval procedures led to missed deadlines and substantial financial losses. Despite Process Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and control procedures, critical deviations in the procurement process went undetected.
Project Implementation:
Detailed analysis revealed imbalances in workloads, hidden approval cycles, and suboptimal scenarios in procurement procedures. Implemented measures included approval route reconfiguration, workload balancing, and responsibilities redistribution, enhancing procedural clarity and efficiency.
Main Outputs:
Results were substantial, reducing process time costs by 30% and mitigating financial losses by €300,000. The project successfully optimized the procurement approval workflow, safeguarding financial resources through strategic interventions.